to purchase a domain name is very simple and can be done here at our web site of Domain names makes it very simple for to locate pages by the use of the domain name. If we didn't use this structure then you would need to remember numbers. In the background the domain name converts the name you typed into your browser to number. When you are purchasing your name, you have the options to purchase in one year up to 5 years and more if you wish to lock your name in.
So what to you need to do. We recommend that you write down the name you think you would like to use. And look at it written down. In some cases the name you pick out may not read very well when it gets typed into the web browser. Once you like the name that you have picked go to our home page and type in that name. you will get a returned response if the name is available and if it is available with what extension. When say extensions we are talking about .com or .net. These identify a little bit about what the web site is about. For example if you have a web site with the extension of EDU. It would be for education. Or biz, then you would expect a business web site. The .com is the most widely used but other extensions are gaining in popularity. So don't get locked in to thinking that you need a cm address. In fact many businesses purchase more than one extension. That way if someone types in the incorrect address they would still get to the site. It also protest them from others stealing their name.
We hope that this explains it a bit better. Remember use our easy purchase of domain names on our home page of the web site