How can I block specific hacker probing activities?
Some common attempts to probe your site for old vulnerabilities, or vulnerabilities from other systems, can be blocked by adding the following code to your site:
1. Copy and paste the following code into a new text file in your favorite text-only editor.
2. Save the file as "block_probing.php", and upload it to your store into the following folders:
a) /your_renamed_admin/includes/extra_configures/
b) /includes/extra_configures/
1. Copy and paste the following code into a new text file in your favorite text-only editor.
2. Save the file as "block_probing.php", and upload it to your store into the following folders:
a) /your_renamed_admin/includes/extra_configures/
b) /includes/extra_configures/
<?php /** * @package security * @copyright Copyright 2003-2011 Zen Cart Development Team * @license GNU Public License V2.0 * @copyright Portions Copyright 2008,2009,2010,2011 GNU/GPL V.2 BY MIKE H. HTTP://WWW.SPAMBOTSECURITY.COM * @version $Id: vuln_trap.php 15882 2011-09-01 08:23:55Z drbyte $ */ $paramsToCheck = array(); // List of strings to search for and block $paramsToCheck[] = '.php/login.php'; $paramsToCheck[] = '.php/password_forgotten.php'; $paramsToCheck[] = '.php/sqlpatch.php'; $paramsToCheck[] = 'file_manager.php'; $paramsToCheck[] = 'index.html?'; $paramsToCheck[] = ':2082'; $paramsToCheck[] = ':2083'; $paramsToCheck[] = ':2086'; $paramsToCheck[] = ':2087'; // processing **************************** /** * inoculate against hack attempts which waste CPU cycles */ $contaminated = (isset($_FILES['GLOBALS']) || isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS'])) ? true : false; $paramsToAvoid = array('GLOBALS', '_COOKIE', '_ENV', '_FILES', '_GET', '_POST', '_REQUEST', '_SERVER', '_SESSION', 'HTTP_COOKIE_VARS', 'HTTP_ENV_VARS', 'HTTP_GET_VARS', 'HTTP_POST_VARS', 'HTTP_POST_FILES', 'HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA', 'HTTP_SERVER_VARS', 'HTTP_SESSION_VARS'); $paramsToAvoid[] = 'autoLoadConfig'; $paramsToAvoid[] = 'mosConfig_absolute_path'; $paramsToAvoid[] = 'hash'; $paramsToAvoid[] = 'main'; foreach($paramsToAvoid as $key) { if (isset($_GET[$key]) || isset($_POST[$key]) || isset($_COOKIE[$key])) { $contaminated = true; break; } } if ($contaminated) { header('HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable'); exit(0); } $requesturi=@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $lcrequesturi=strtolower($requesturi); $query2=$useragent=""; if(isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])){$query2=@$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];} $query=strtolower($query2); $querydec2=urldecode($query2); // urldecoded to make signature writing for detection matching easier $querydec=strtolower($querydec2); $querydecsws=preg_replace('/\s+/','',$querydec); $querydecsws=preg_replace("/[^\x9\xA\xD\x20-\x7F]/",'',$querydecsws); if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){$useragent=@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];} $lcuseragent=strtolower($useragent); $lcuseragentsws=preg_replace('/\s+/','',$lcuseragent); $lcuseragentsws=preg_replace("/[^\x9\xA\xD\x20-\x7F]/",'',$lcuseragentsws); foreach ($paramsToCheck as $key => $val) { if (substr_count($lcrequesturi, $val) || substr_count($query, $val) || substr($query, -1) == '?') { $contaminated = TRUE; } } unset($paramsToCheck, $paramsToAvoid, $key, $val); if ($contaminated) { header('HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable'); exit(0); } unset($contaminated); unset($query2, $query, $querydec2, $querydec, $querydecsws, $useragent, $lcuseragent, $lcuseragentsws, $requesturi, $lcrequesturi, $lcrequesturisws, $lcpost, $lcpostsws); /* *** END OF INNOCULATION *** */