When you are running a zen cart ecommerce shop, or running a web site in general there are several tools that you will find are essential for the smooth day-to-day operation of the website.
One of these tools is FTP, or File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a method of sending files from one location to another(E.g., from your computer to the host server of your website). In this tutorial, we will show you how to create an FTP account using your cPanel account.
The first thing you need to do is to open your cPanel account. Find the 'files' box, and click on the 'FTP Accounts'.
This button will take you to the FTP manager. Here, you will see a few fields that will need to be filled out in order to create an FTP account.
In the username field you need to enter a unique username. After you finish the account creation process, the username will be formatted like this: username@domain.com.
Next is the password field. Here, it is recommended that you enter a strong pasword that contains at least ten characters, some of which should be alpha numeric. After this, comes the directory field. This is where you specify whether the account you are creating will be allowed full access to your site, or whether their access will be limited a specific directory.
To grant full access, leave this blank. Otherwise, input the name of the folder the account can access(I.e., public_html/data/). Finally, is the quota field. This specifies the number of files the account will be allowed to transfer at any given time.
After you have filled in all of the fields to your satisfaction, all that's left to do is click the create account button.